About Our Organization

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Fundraising experience for your donors

A Helping Hand Can Save A Generation

I. Introduction

Welcome to BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation

Dear Friends,
Welcome to BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation – a beacon of hope and compassion in the heart of Nigeria. We are delighted to have you visit our virtual home, where the spirit of humanity thrives, and positive change is our constant companion.
At BlueWater, we believe in the power of collective action and the profound impact it can have on the lives of those in need. As you explore our pages, you’ll discover the heartwarming stories of resilience, the transformative power of education, and the healing touch of healthcare that echo through the communities we serve.
Our journey is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our team, volunteers, and supporters who, together, work tirelessly to make a difference. Whether you are here to learn about our ongoing projects, explore ways to get involved, or simply to join us in celebrating the triumph of the human spirit, we extend our warmest welcome to you.
BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation is not just an organization; it’s a family of compassionate individuals dedicated to alleviating poverty, fighting hunger,  creating a brighter, more equitable future for the poor and needy. As you navigate through our virtual space, we hope you feel the warmth of our shared vision and the power of positive change that unites us.
Thank you for joining us on this meaningful journey. Together, we can make a lasting impact and bring about positive change that resonates far beyond the boundaries of our screens.
With gratitude,
[Chief Okata Allwell]
BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation

II. Dogma

 Vision Statement

“Our vision at BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation is to build a compassionate and resilient society in Nigeria, where the basic needs of every individual are met, and where communities flourish in harmony. We envision a future where education is accessible to all, healthcare is a fundamental right, and sustainable development paves the way for prosperity. By fostering a culture of empathy and inclusivity, we aim to be a catalyst for positive change, inspiring hope and transforming lives across the nation.”

C. Mission Statement

“At BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation, our mission is to empower and uplift communities in Nigeria through sustainable humanitarian initiatives. We are dedicated to providing essential resources, fostering education, promoting healthcare, and supporting local development. Guided by compassion, integrity, and collaboration, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families, working towards a future where every person in Nigeria has the opportunity to thrive.”


III. Our Work

A. Core Areas

  • Humanitarian services that benefits the poorest of the poor in the society. 
  • Clearcut projects and programmes that will eradicate and eliminate poverty and hardship. 

B. Impact

  • BlueWater outreaches have proven t make the society a better place. By lending a helping hand, paying a bill, sponsoring a child academic journey,  are all vital ways to anihilate poverty and crime. 

C. Partnerships

  • We have several partners and donors who have bought into our vision and mandate. 
  • You too can be part of them  by joining our volunteers or donor list.

IV. Transparency and Accountability

A. Financial Overview

  • Offer a transparent view of the foundation’s financials.
  • Provide links to annual reports and audited financial statements.

B. Governance

  • Outline the organizational structure and governance policies.
  • Emphasize adherence to ethical standards and compliance with regulations.

VI. Get Involved

A. Donate

  • Encourage visitors to contribute to the foundation’s mission.
  • Provide information on different ways to donate.

B. Volunteer

  • Call for volunteers and explain how individuals can get involved in projects.

C. Partner With Us

  • Invite potential partners to collaborate with BlueWater Humanitarian Foundation.
  • Provide contact details for partnership inquiries.P

Volunteers In 2023


People We Helped So Far

$ 0 M

Funds We Collected

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Fundraising experience for your donors

Helping each other can make world better

True happiness is living in a world knowing that someone somewhere is happy because of YOU!!!


Give as little and as much as you can afford


We raise funds only to meet needs


Outreach programmes for the benefit of the poor in the society.

Meet Our Board Members

Fundraising experience for your donors
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