Chief Okata Allwell

Chief Okata Allwell

Founder / President

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+234 -803-300-5088



About Me:

Education & Training

Chief Allwell Okata is the Chairman of Crystalpalm Integrated Services and a host of other business interests ranging from aviation, construction, hospitality and auctioneering.

He is the Founder of Aku-rueulo awards and exhibition borne out of his interest in recognizing and celebrating entrepreneurship excellence and community empowerment with the Igbo nation.

Chief has demonstrated uncommon commitment towards the eradication of food poverty hence his promotion of the zero hunger project. He has also initiated the Aku-rue-ulo food bank which has received the support of critical stakeholders in addressing the issue of hunger.

Chief Allwell Okata is a holder of a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc.) in Mass Communication from Nnamdi Azikwe University, (NAU) Awka.

He has been honoured as one of the top 100 tourism personalities in West Africa by Africa’s Premiere travel news magazine, ATQ News, Accra Ghana. He is also a fellow of the Strategic Finance and Admin. Institute of Nigeria (FSFAI), and a Member Institute of Certified Auctioneers of Nigeria (MICAN).

Chief Okata is a football enthusiast and loves reading. He is happily married and lives with his wife and children in Lagos, Nigeria.


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